
The Selene Cliffs are known for their strict and traditional ways that are reinforced by their tight knit community. Birds do not tend to "leave the nest" unless it is to build a family roost of their own, leading to multi generational homes as the norm of the cliffs. Parents tend to be deeply involved in their kids lives, seeing it as their personal duty to ensure their child's place in the community and their future success. Sometimes this can become overbearing as the parents chatter amongst themselves to keep all the hatchlings in line leaving little room for mistakes without a witness and an inevitable flight back home with your mother cawing into your ears.

The birds of the Isles are a heavily spiritual people and each home holds a dedicated shrine to whomever they declare the family deity that watches over them. These shrines are often hand carved into the cliff faces inside their homes and are always adorned with various "bird gifts" that were found from that day. Bits of string, flowers, fruits, maybe a really shiny rock or three, all diligently organized and cleaned as needed with a few careful pecks. The birds worship more than just the Mysts and the Isles, believing there are many more gods that bless their homes and dictate their fate.

Others such as mountain goats and bighorn sheep may also live on the cliff, often following the bird pantheon as well to adapt to a culture primarily run by morning bird song and nosy neighbors.



The Selene Cliffs speak fast and often in metaphors. References to the gods of the bird pantheon are common. "May Liora (Goddess of Fate) be kind to you" might be something said to someone who is venturing into a risky plan. A bird that does not enjoy the light of dawn might mumble curses to Elanna (Goddess of Light). If a new baby is born the bird's would say "Nimmireth (Goddess of Fertility) has blessed your home and Brigha (Goddess of Family) has warmed your fires." Those not from the cliffs often don't understand who these gods particularly are, but still smile at the blessings all the same.


The Selene Cliffs have such an extensive Pantheon filled with lore and magic that it has been put onto its own page under lore!

Learn more about the Bird Pantheon


Taking to the strong winds of the cliff side most art here intersects with air: wind chimes, flags, and hanging mobiles are everywhere. Just like the birds in our own world the Selene cliffs are drawn to bright colors and shiny objects that sparkle in the sunlight. In fact they love it so much the cliffs often look a bit...cluttered when seen up close.


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The four holidays celebrated in most regions of Mycorzha share the names of the four wind god's within the bird pantheon. The Selene Cliffs see these four holidays as celebration of the winds, adorning the cliffs each major holiday with images of the given god and creating miniature shrines in their honor for the day.

If the roost sees one of the four winds as their family deity they tend to go all out and see it as the most important day of the year. Those who celebrate Lumeanar will create beautiful displays of glowing mushrooms so large that those in the valley below often travel to go see the displays, while those who celebrate Arda make so much tea to share the cliffs smell of drying leaves and flowers for a month.

Common Activities and Interests

Unsurprisingly most that live here enjoy evening flights watching the sunset, kites, and a hearty afternoon of gossip with the neighbors. Many also enjoy being part of "finder's clubs" where they create mini scavenger hunts of things to find on the Isles.

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