Collection: Glinda

4 products

"These old bones have been around the Isles a time or three, and I could tell you stories until they sink back into the seas. Why don't you sit a spell and learn you something new."

Pronouns: Size: Comfort Snack:
she/her Small Fresh Summer melon
Biggest Fear: Favorite Story: Spotify Playlist:
Drowning The Washerwoman and the Crows Spotify Playlist

Emotional Ties

Creatures & places of the Isles which hold personal meaning for this character.

Soot & Cinder

The two rapscallions that I'm raising, so help me, but I love them more than the Isles and the Mysts both. Sure, they get into trouble, but they get themselves back out again, and they've both got good heads. Stubborn as their mama, don't I know it, heh!


Huff, that old sly cat. He and I used to date once, long ago, but he didn't want to settle down. I've still got a soft spot in my heart for him, despite my best efforts, but that old cat has never changed and won't be now.

Meet Jack

Talia & Persephone

Bwehe, the mischief me and that old bird would get up to! We were, and are, best friends, and her kid is just like one of my own, and no mistake.

Meet Talia & Persephone


Heh, the Isles are my home, and I love 'em with all the deep heart of stone and the niggling curiosity of creeping vine. I can name every flower and herb this side of the Crescent Peaks, and don't you forget it!

Learn about Mycorzha


A native of the Isles, Glinda wears her old age and status of "elder" with pride. She is well known in Luna Valley, Cove City, and various parts besides.

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