Los escarpados acantilados rematan las montañas en forma de media luna y se unen al Valle de la Luna. Si bien son traicioneros para la mayoría, constituyen el hogar perfecto para las numerosas aves de la región del Valle de la Luna, junto con otras criaturas divertidas como las cabras montesas que pueden atravesar el difícil terreno.
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Known Residents
The Selene Cliffs are known for their strict and traditional ways that are reinforced by their tight knit community. Birds do not tend to "leave the nest" unless it is to build a family roost of their own, leading to multi generational homes as the norm of the cliffs. Parents tend to be deeply involved in their kids lives, seeing it as their personal duty to ensure their child's place in the community and their future success. Sometimes this can become overbearing as the parents chatter amongst themselves to keep all the hatchlings in line leaving little room for mistakes without a witness and an inevitable flight back home with your mother cawing into your ears.
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The Selene Cliffs are known for their strict and traditional ways that are reinforced by their tight knit community. Birds do not tend to "leave the nest" unless it is to build a family roost of their own, leading to multi generational homes as the norm of the cliffs. Parents tend to be deeply involved in their kids lives, seeing it as their personal duty to ensure their child's place in the community and their future success. Sometimes this can become overbearing as the parents chatter amongst themselves to keep all the hatchlings in line leaving little room for mistakes without a witness and an inevitable flight back home with your mother cawing into your ears.The birds of the Isles are a heavily spiritual people and each home holds a dedicated shrine to whomever they declare the family deity that watches over them. These shrines are often hand carved into the cliff faces inside their homes and are always adorned with various "bird gifts" that were found from that day. Bits of string, flowers, fruits, maybe a really shiny rock or three, all diligently organized and cleaned as needed with a few careful pecks. The birds worship more than just the Mysts and the Isles, believing there are many more gods that bless their homes and dictate their fate.Others such as mountain goats and bighorn sheep may also live on the cliff, often following the bird pantheon as well to adapt to a culture primarily run by morning bird song and nosy neighbors.
Carved into the side of all of the cliff faces of Luna Valley are the cave dweller homes of the Selene Cliffs. Nearly all belong to bird families that enjoy it for its central location and year round views with great winds. Like most "permanent" settlements in the Luna Valley many carved homes are generational, while others are transient nests by default used by migratory families or travelers. Many ladders and pulleys stretch along the cliffs for visitors. Often the homes are adorned with windchimes or colorful nest decor (as birds tend to do). During the fall holidays everyone hangs silver bells outside, making a magical sound through the whole valley. It is said that when the bells chime from the winds outside, your loved one is visiting home once more.
As the birds of Mycorzha live naturally a mix of both nomadic and permanent residential life many roost their home here and travel as they wish by flight. It is not uncommon for nests to be empty for a seasonal harvest when the tea leaves ripen in the southern Hazelmoss woods. The different perspective of the Isles allows the bird to travel past the Crescent Mountain range while other cannot, so many have ventured far enough north to see the Frostfire forest and have witnessed some of the strange things that live in those woods (although never up close, everyone knows landing to the north is a death wish). Distant views of strange monsters gave way to stories over time and the birds gossiped amongst themselves until the stories became an extensive religious pantheon that nearly all birds of the Isles follow. Carvings of the many gods the birds pray to are found throughout the cliff faces, and nearly every home has a dedicated shrine to the deity of their given house that is adorned with fruit and flowers.
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Regional Differences
Each region of Mycorzha has many shared beliefs and values, but all the same each have aspects that make them unique.
The Selene Cliffs speak fast and often in metaphors. References to the gods of the bird pantheon are common. "May Liora (Goddess of Fate) be kind to you" might be something said to someone who is venturing into a risky plan. A bird that does not enjoy the light of dawn might mumble curses to Elanna (Goddess of Light). If a new baby is born the bird's would say "Nimmireth (Goddess of Fertility) has blessed your home and Brigha (Goddess of Family) has warmed your fires." Those not from the cliffs often don't understand who these gods particularly are, but still smile at the blessings all the same.
The Selene Cliffs have such an extensive Pantheon filled with lore and magic that it has been put onto its own section found below!
Taking to the strong winds of the cliffside, most art here intertwines with the air itself: wind chimes sing in the breeze, colorful flags flutter with messages of wanderers past, and intricate hanging mobiles sway gracefully as if in a dance with the sky. Just like the birds in our own world, the Selene Cliffs are drawn to bright colors and shimmering objects that glimmer under the sunlight. These treasures are often adorned with elaborate, gold-dusted motifs with intricate patterns.
The four holidays celebrated in most regions of Mycorzha share the names of the four wind god's within the bird pantheon. The Selene Cliffs see these four holidays as celebration of the winds, adorning the cliffs each major holiday with images of the given god and creating miniature shrines in their honor for the day. If the roost sees one of the four winds as their family deity they tend to go all out and see it as the most important day of the year. Those who celebrate Lumeanar will create beautiful displays of glowing mushrooms so large that those in the valley below often travel to go see the displays, while those who celebrate Arda make so much tea to share the cliffs smell of drying leaves and flowers for a month.
Unsurprisingly most that live here enjoy evening flights watching the sunset, kites, and a hearty afternoon of gossip with the neighbors. Many also enjoy being part of "finder's clubs" where they create mini scavenger hunts of things to find on the Isles.
Bird Pantheon of the Selene Cliffs
For the denizens of the Selene cliffs and most birds of the isles, the mystical lands of Mycorzha are believed to be ruled by an intricate pantheon of gods and goddesses, all interwoven with the forces of nature and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. At its heart are the father figure of the Isles and the mother Mysts, whose ethereal union gave birth to the Four Winds, the foundation of balance across the land. From the Four Winds sprang the rest of the pantheon, each deity embodying different elements of nature, magic, and life within this enchanted, fungal world.
Las islas de Mycorzha comparten el clima de América del Norte. Si bien tienen algunas plantas o hongos únicos que solo crecen en las islas, es posible que conozcas algunas de estas plantas. ¿Quizás puedas encontrarlas en el lugar donde vives?
Si encuentras alguna, comparte tus fotos con nosotros en Instagram etiquetándonos @morelitea. Recuerda no tomar nada más que fotos y no dejar nada más que huellas.
✦ Pholiota escamosa (Pholiota squarrosa): crece en la base de los árboles o en la madera muerta a lo largo de áreas rocosas y expuestas.
✦ Mycena naranja (Mycena leaiana): hongos de color naranja brillante que prosperan en áreas húmedas y sombreadas de los bordes de los acantilados.
✦ Aspicilia cinerea: hongo gris y irregular que prospera en rocas secas y expuestas y se encuentra comúnmente a lo largo de los bordes de acantilados altos.
✦ Umbilicaria americana (callos de roca): manchas coriáceas de color marrón oscuro que se encuentran en las paredes rocosas escarpadas de áreas expuestas y que sobreviven en condiciones extremas.
✦ Endocarpon pusillum – Costra negra y plana que habita en las grietas y pequeñas depresiones de las superficies de los acantilados, a menudo en zonas secas.
✦ Stereocaulon saxatile – Hongos arbustivos de color gris blanquecino que crecen en laderas rocosas y acantilados, especialmente en ambientes alpinos o fríos.
✦ Aquilegia canadensis: a menudo crece en afloramientos rocosos y acantilados, y es conocida por sus delicadas flores rojas y amarillas que se inclinan hacia un lado.
✦ Solidago sciaphila: una planta resistente, de flores amarillas, que se encuentra en acantilados y afloramientos rocosos.
✦ Aquilegia canadensis: otra especie de aquilegia conocida por crecer en grietas de acantilados rocosos.
✦ Epilobio (Chamerion angustifolium): flores de color rosa vibrante que crecen en áreas rocosas y perturbadas.
✦Dicentra eximia: prefiere pendientes rocosas y sombreadas y a menudo se encuentra en acantilados.
✦ Penstemon hirsutus: una flor nativa con flores de color púrpura que crece en entornos rocosos y secos.
✦ Doncella de acantilado (Leptodactylon pungens): pequeñas flores de color blanco rosado que se encuentran en entornos rocosos y acantilados.
✦ Arábiga (Arabis lyrata): flores blancas que se adhieren a las paredes rocosas y a los acantilados.
✦ Amelanchier alnifolia: árboles pequeños o arbustos que crecen en zonas rocosas y producen bayas dulces y comestibles.
✦ Grosellas espinosas (Ribes missouriense): un arbusto resistente que puede adherirse a pendientes rocosas y acantilados, produciendo bayas ácidas.
✦ Fresas silvestres (Fragaria virginiana): plantas terrestres resistentes que crecen en grietas rocosas y producen bayas pequeñas y sabrosas.
✦ Cactus de Tuna (Opuntia humifusa): aunque comúnmente se asocia con los desiertos, este cactus también puede prosperar en acantilados rocosos expuestos al sol y produce frutos comestibles.
✦ Zumaque (Rhus typhina): se encuentra creciendo a lo largo de laderas rocosas y produce racimos de bayas rojas comestibles.
✦ Schizachyrium scoparium (hierba azul pequeña): una hierba nativa tolerante a la sequía que prospera en condiciones rocosas y secas.
✦ Hierba india (Sorghastrum nutans): hierba resistente con raíces profundas, que a menudo se encuentra en áreas rocosas y expuestas.
✦ Pasto varilla (Panicum virgatum): crece bien en pendientes rocosas y ayuda a estabilizar los suelos de los acantilados.
✦ Gayuba (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi): Un arbusto de crecimiento bajo que se encuentra en zonas rocosas, con pequeñas bayas rojas y hojas perennes resistentes.
✦ Fendlera rupicola: un arbusto que crece en las laderas rocosas de los acantilados, con flores blancas y hojas duras.
✦ Yucca (Yucca filamentosa): adaptada a suelos rocosos y arenosos, esta planta prospera en acantilados expuestos con pobres nutrientes.
✦ Parra virgen (Parthenocissus quinquefolia): una enredadera trepadora que se adhiere a las paredes de los acantilados con sus zarcillos.