Collection: Nalin

3 products

"In our busy lives, it is easy to become distracted, disconnected from the world around us. Take a moment in the present; not looking forward, or behind, but here, at this tree, this flower. Share this moment with me, and allow yourself to feel the peace of the Isles."

Pronouns: Size: Comfort Snack:
they/them Small Ants-on-a-log
Biggest Fear: Favorite Story: Spotify Playlist:
The ocean The City of Starlight and Shadow Spotify Playlist

Emotional Ties

Creatures & places of the Isles which hold personal meaning for this character.


I first encountered Amani during one of her visits to the Parks, curled up beneath one of my favorite trees and quietly sketching the spring landscape. I sat down nearby, and we shared a quiet, pleasant morning over tea and silent companionship. I very much look forward to our next meeting.

Meet Amani


Oh sure, I've seen him around. Always hurrying, like everyone else in this city, involved in whatever's in his head. I've tried to convince him to take some time in the parks, that it'll be good for him, but off he goes again, on the move. Ah well, perhaps some other time.

Meet Preston

Cove City

The City That Is Never Asleep, or so they term themselves. I can vouch for it, having been here long enough to know that there's always hustle and bustle going on no matter the hour. As overwhelming as it can be, the City folks love the Parks as much as any Mycorzhan loves the Isles, and it gladdens me. And it's my job to make sure that their connection to the Isles, to nature, remains even in this busy city.

Learn about Cove City


The Isles are our home, all of us; they shelter us, nurture us, keep us fed, housed, and uplifted in spirit. We all know this, although some of us need occasional reminders, lest we become disconnected from the living nature all around us.

Learn about Mycorzha


A lover of nature, Nalin grew up surrounded by the natural beauty of the Isles. A child of the Isles, adopted into one of the nomadic clans who move about Mycorzha's interior, the young rabbit was awe-struck at diversity and vibrancy of the world around them. As they grew and learned, they also taught, shepherding the younger children and pointing out aspects of flora and fungi, re-telling the stories of the clan, and guiding their charges as best they could.

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