Recopilación: Fiona

1 producto

"We’re all a little bit like gardens, darling, in that yes, we could just let them grow all higgledy piggle, and they’d do fine – Isle knows that the flowers don’t need us. But a spot of water here, a bit of pruning there, and everything blooms that much brighter!"

Pronouns: Size: Comfort Snack:
she/her Small Egg & Cress Tea Sandwiches
Biggest Fear: Favorite Story: Spotify Playlist:
Being kidnapped away from everyone she knows A Farewell on Faelivrin No playlist uploaded

Emotional Ties

Creatures & places of the Isles which hold personal meaning for this character.


By branch and bough, I love my sister more dearly than anything… but she can be absolutely infuriating when the mood strikes her. Galloping off on wild adventures, settling down in the city of all places. Doesn’t she know how much she could be, to our family?

Meet Rhys


Grammama Spikey, I used to call her. And still there are days where she still feels the same, taking me to her knee and teaching me something new, something even in all my seasons I had yet to think of. The local matriarch of the Wood, and her guidance still steers me well.

Meet Midge


Poor, dear Herc! We’ve had him and his lovely partner over several times of late, and it’s all I can bear to see the worry behind his eyes. He really has no need of it; I just know he and Nellis will make fine parents, and so does everyone else in the Wood. I shall have to send them some flowers and honey.

Meet Hercules


Ask me about our Isles, and I find I have little to say beyond the boughs of the Wood. Ask me about home though, and, why we shall have to sit over tea, if I am to ever find the time. How can one put the concept of “home” into just a few words?

Learn about Mycorzha


“The quiet one,” is how many referred to Fiona, during her childhood in Hazelmoss, and indeed compared to her sister she generally was. Something about the woods and the fields spoke to her, and where her sister was headstrong and brash, Fiona quickly learned how to listen – to the woods, to her family and those around her. Where Rhys found herself pulled away from the Wood, Fiona found herself drawn back towards it.

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