The child of Talia and Anice, Persephone is of two worlds in more ways than one. With one mother native to the Isles of Mycorzha and the other a traveling merchant, Persephone always had one foot on one side of the Mysts, and the other beyond. As she come of age, the young leshy feels pulled towards her heritage on the Isles, and finds herself fascinated by the peoples, stories, and mysteries that Mycorzha has to offer.
Despite being born away from the Isles, Persephone has always visited frequently, along with her mother Talia; her other mother, Anice, is seemingly always on the move, and only typically alights on the Isles to replenish stock with her local suppliers. As it was always difficult to find kids her own age to connect with while on the road or sea, Persephone became utterly enraptured by books and stories, a habit that both of her parents highly encouraged. It was only natural, then, that Persephone's "aunt" Glinda would take a shine to the youngster, and she couldn't resist sating the child's burning curiosity by teaching her her letters at a young age. Persephone has since blossomed into a prolific writer, and if she is a bit unpolished for now, she approaches her work with gusto. She prefers writing poems and screenplays, and loves to show off or read her work to others.
It was at a loss for an audience when she first met Indie and Amani, and while she grumbled and groused at the two drawing her out into the wilds of the Isles, their insistence (and the fact that they were willing to listen to her writing) eventually won her over. Now when the two get wind of Persephone visiting, they're quick to pull her out of whatever tome she's ensconced herself in and out into the world, with Indie promising to help her with dramatic readings and Amani always a patient ear for her poetry.