Recopilación: Perséfone

3 productos

A Perséfone le fascina la danza de las estaciones cambiantes, que reflejan los ciclos de la naturaleza, la muerte, la decadencia y el renacimiento. Segura de sí misma y con un don para lo dramático, llama la atención sin esfuerzo y se deleita con los tonos más oscuros y la naturaleza moribunda del otoño.

Pronouns: Size: Comfort Snack:
she/her Small Candied pecans
Biggest Fear: Favorite Story: Spotify Playlist:
Being ignored Owl Woman & the Stick People No playlist uploaded

Emotional Ties

Creatures & places of the Isles which hold personal meaning for this character.

Anice & Talia

Ugh, Moms. Mama Anice is always busy! I miss her sometimes (don't tell her I said so), but she brings me books! Which makes her awesome, at least for an adult. And Moooooooom. She's always around, and, like, interrupting my study and writing with snacks and stuff. They're really, really good snacks, though. I guess she's alright.

Meet Talia

Amani & Indie

THOSE two, always trying to get me "out and about", especially Indie. I'd rather be writing! But Indie does really enjoy doing readings with me, I guess. And Amani, like, gets me? Just... don't tell them I like them, okay?

Meet Indie & Amani


Now Jack has the best stories, but he never ever tells the really good stuff. I can tell, I just know that he's hiding the really interesting stuff. Glinda even told me his favorite food once, and I spent ages making it, but he only grinned and called me a kid! A kid! Ugggggggggh, I'm not a kid, he can trust me, c'mon!

Meet Jack


We only visit once a year, which isn't enough, I keep telling Moms, but maybe soon she'll let me come on my own! Mycorzha is so fascinating, but nobody else seems to get it, you know? Like, what's up with the northern wastes, and why are so many of the stories about the shadows? Were they real? Nobody gets it except Jack though, and he won't tell me anything!

Learn about Mycorzha


The child of Talia and Anice, Persephone is of two worlds in more ways than one. With one mother native to the Isles of Mycorzha and the other a traveling merchant, Persephone always had one foot on one side of the Mysts, and the other beyond. As she come of age, the young leshy feels pulled towards her heritage on the Isles, and finds herself fascinated by the peoples, stories, and mysteries that Mycorzha has to offer.

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