Los pueblos nómadas de Mycorzha se reúnen en el Árbol de los Soñadores cada Arda para celebrar un gran encuentro comercial. Se eleva muy alto, por lo que es fácil verlo desde la mayoría de las islas desde lejos.
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Greater Mycorzha is a general name for most of the Isles – from the Southern Hills, the Western Plains, and all the way up to Fern Leaf Forest much of Mycorzha is temperate grassland. Given it is such a large area how much food is available for harvest often depends on seasonal crops, leaving much of Greater Mycorzha uninhabited by any permanent residents. This does not mean the land is untouched, the lands are still cultivated and maintained by the many nomadic clans that live on the Isles moving from place to place depending on the season and available crops. The clans all have their own unique cultures and traditions - far too extensive to list here - but every year during high summer they all find themselves at the center of the Isles for the cool glacial water of Dreamer Lake. Here stands a lone tree of immense size which can be seen from far into the Plains, which became known as the Dreamer Tree. Over time the clans began to meet under this tree for trade, simply because it was easy to spot, and eventually the high summer holiday of Arda was born. A time for bonfires, gift exchanges, trade, dancing, and cultural exchange among the clans to celebrate each other as a larger community.
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Greater Mycorzha is a general name for most of the Isles – from the Southern Hills, the Western Plains, and all the way up to Fern Leaf Forest much of Mycorzha is temperate grassland. Given it is such a large area how much food is available for harvest often depends on seasonal crops, leaving much of Greater Mycorzha uninhabited by any permanent residents. This does not mean the land is untouched, the lands are still cultivated and maintained by the many nomadic clans that live on the Isles moving from place to place depending on the season and available crops. The clans all have their own unique cultures and traditions - far too extensive to list here - but every year during high summer they all find themselves at the center of the Isles for the cool glacial water of Dreamer Lake. Here stands a lone tree of immense size which can be seen from far into the Plains, which became known as the Dreamer Tree. Over time the clans began to meet under this tree for trade, simply because it was easy to spot, and eventually the high summer holiday of Arda was born. A time for bonfires, gift exchanges, trade, dancing, and cultural exchange among the clans to celebrate each other as a larger community.
The Plains are interspersed with beautiful patches of blue and purple flowers that can look akin to the sea when all in bloom. Individuals in the various clans began harvesting and drying the flowers long ago originally perhaps for medicinal properties but over time many individuals began to make satchels of the brightly colored flowers to give for Arda. This eventually evolved into the tea trade all throughout the Isles. Knowledge of foraging and cultivation is central to the nomadic clans to ensure that there are more plants for the future. All the clan residents have immense knowledge of each region of the Isles - at least those south of the mountains. No one goes to the bitter cold north where nothing is said to grow.
Now nearly all the creatures of the Isles make their own blend of herbs, leaves, spices, and flavors to share as a way to say hello, thank you, or a simple happy Arda. Blends are all seen as a personal signature of sorts, a way to share yourself with others that is both personable but open. Herbs and dried plants of all kinds are perhaps perceived as the most valuable commodity on the Isles. Many of the seasonal traders noticed the Mycorzhian's strong interest in various dried plants and began bringing them each harvest season to the delight of the locals.
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Regional Differences
Each region of Mycorzha has many shared beliefs and values, but all the same each have aspects that make them unique.
Speech is often deliberate and measured, with pauses that reflect the storytelling traditions of the culture here. Not usually in a rush but instead flowing with the slow and rhythmic pattern of the land's natural growth cycle. Some words and phrases use expressive repetition for emphasis.
The clans often have distinct interpretations, but in general the clans believe the Mysts and Isles to hold wisdom they must listen to and follow. Each harvest a blessing from the Isles, each storm a kindness from the Mysts.
Art is on every surface and often depicts stories shared by the clan. The home of a clan member who is a leader in their community for carving might feature various trees along the cloth side of their nomadic home, while one who is know for being a skilled fisher may feature various fish or depictions of netting.
Each season is celebrated just like all on the Isles, but Arda is central to the way of life for the clans. Many practice dances or work on art and tea blends for Arda all year. Those of a clan hoping to meet a sweetheart will not usually seek relationships among their own clan, as they are often small groupings, so Arda also means a chance for romance. As such young adults often spend long hours over the year preparing outfits or skills to showcase themselves and their clan during Arda.
Too broad of a region to really point to anything specific, clans often each share certain specialties and skills from passed down wisdom that result in shared activities with those in the clan.
Flora y fauna
Las islas de Mycorzha comparten el clima de América del Norte. Si bien tienen algunas plantas o hongos únicos que solo crecen en las islas, es posible que conozcas algunas de estas plantas. ¿Quizás puedas encontrarlas en el lugar donde vives?
Si encuentras alguna, comparte tus fotos con nosotros en Instagram etiquetándonos @morelitea. Recuerda no tomar nada más que fotos y no dejar nada más que huellas.
✦ Anillo de hadas (Marasmius oreades)
✦ Hongo de campo (Agaricus campestris)
✦ Gorro de tinta peludo (Coprinus comatus)
✦ Parasol falso (Chlorophyllum molybdites)
✦ Conocybe apala (gorro de burro blanco)
✦ Viuda llorona (Lacrymaria velutina)
✦ Hongo Parasol (Macrolepiota procera)
✦ Hongo ramita desaliñado (Tubaria furfuracea)
✦ Morilla común (Morchella esculenta)
✦ Ángel destructor (Amanita bisporigera)
✦ Seta de pedo (Calvatia gigantea)
✦ Cesta Stinkhorn (Lysurus cruciatus)
✦ Molinete (Marasmius rotula)
✦ Leucoagaricus leucothites (Aves de Corral Blanca)
✦ Amanita muscaria (Amanita muscaria): conocida por su icónico sombrero rojo y blanco.
✦ Equinácea (Echinacea purpurea): Equinácea púrpura, amada por los polinizadores.
✦ Margarita Gloriosa (Rudbeckia hirta) – Pétalos de color amarillo brillante con centros oscuros.
✦ Falso índigo (Baptisia australis): flores altas de color azul a principios del verano.
✦ Aster aromático (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium): flores de color lavanda pálido, que florecen en otoño.
✦ Girasol falso (Heliopsis helianthoides): flores de color amarillo brillante que se parecen a los girasoles verdaderos.
✦ Hierba mariposa (Asclepias tuberosa): flores de color naranja brillante, una de las favoritas de las mariposas monarcas.
✦ Bergamota silvestre (Monarda fistulosa): flores de color violeta claro con una fragancia fuerte que atrae abejas y mariposas.
✦ Aronia melanocarpa: produce bayas pequeñas, oscuras y ricas en antioxidantes.
✦ Caquis (Diospyros virginiana): frutos pequeños y dulces que maduran en otoño.
✦ Uvas silvestres (Vitis riparia): Vides que producen uvas pequeñas y ácidas, que a menudo se encuentran trepando a los árboles.
✦ Papaya (Asimina triloba): Fruta comestible de aspecto tropical y textura cremosa.
✦ Maracuyá morada (Passiflora incarnata): Planta trepadora con frutos comestibles y hermosas flores moradas.
✦ Avena silvestre (Chasmanthium latifolium): una hierba resistente y elegante con cabezas de semillas arqueadas.
✦ Schizachyrium scoparium: una hierba alta y agrupada que se encuentra a menudo en bosques abiertos.
✦ Pasto varilla (Panicum virgatum): tolera suelos pobres y proporciona una excelente cobertura para la vida silvestre.
✦ Hierba india (Sorghastrum nutans): hierba alta y dorada que se encuentra en prados boscosos secos y soleados.
✦ Cercis canadensis: un árbol pequeño del sotobosque con flores de color rosa brillante en primavera, que a menudo se encuentra a lo largo de los bordes de los bosques.
✦ Avellana americana (Corylus americana): un arbusto con nueces comestibles que crece en espacios abiertos y soleados de los bosques.
✦ Té de Nueva Jersey (Ceanothus americanus): un arbusto bajo y caducifolio con flores blancas que prospera en suelos secos y rocosos a lo largo de los bordes de los acantilados del valle.
✦ Hamamelis virginiana – Un arbusto con flores amarillas en otoño, conocido por sus propiedades medicinales.
✦ Physocarpus opulifolius: un arbusto resistente con corteza descascarada que se encuentra en suelos rocosos o arenosos y que proporciona cobertura a la vida silvestre.
✦ Roble Bur (Quercus macrocarpa): un roble tolerante a la sequía, que a menudo se encuentra en sabanas y bosques abiertos.
✦ Nogal americano (Carya ovata): un árbol alto, de crecimiento abierto, con corteza descascarada, que prospera en suelos bien drenados.
✦ Nogal negro (Juglans nigra): a menudo se encuentra a lo largo de arroyos o en suelos fértiles y proporciona sombra moteada.
✦ Almez (Celtis occidentalis): tolera suelos pobres y condiciones ventosas, con frutos pequeños que atraen la vida silvestre.