Born in the shade of the great trees of Hazelmoss Woods, Rhys spent her youth climbing, leaping, a flash of motion and a shouted remark to her sister's quiet yet steady reply. Rhys always felt a little bit out of place in Hazelmoss, wanting to push beyond the bounds of quiet life. She had acquired a reputation for disruption by the time she decided to visit an old friend, and fell head over heels for the bustle and sights of Cove City.
Rhys immediately moved herself northward, with all of her usual spontaneity and much to the absolute chagrin of her family. She set up shop, as it were, on a street corner selling packs of cards and souvenirs to whoever passed her by. Her keen eyes (and keener nose) led her to markets all across Cove City, where she perused wares, haggled, and networked until suddenly all the traders and merchants knew her, and her spice shop opened its doors - or hatches, rather - as if it had always existed, a cornerstone of the Docks neighborhood and a draw for merchants from all points Beyond. Rhys quickly expanded her inventory and regular customers, and was one of the first to jump on opportunities presented by a certain dramatic feline who was becoming the talk of the town.
Operating out of a houseboat has its perks, and as her horizons grew, Rhys eyed new markets and new potential all across the Isles. She regularly undocks and roves out to trade at other harbors across Mycorzha, somehow arriving at meets she has no business knowing about, nor being able to reach in time from where she started. If this puzzles some, they shake their head and mark it down to the old fox's business sense and connections, because, well, what else could it be?