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Known Residents

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In the northernmost part of the Isles the lagoon protects itself from outsiders due to the impossible to navigate rocky shores that surround it. Many who reside in the Lagoon are ocean dwelling critters, often going their whole lives without ever interacting with the land folk. This geographic separation resulted in unique values not shared by the rest of the Isles. The lagoon critters are both far more superstitious and far more willing to look past prior grievances should luck appear to be in your favor. As such they freely trade with the Banished, as well as the rest of the Isles. After all, the land folk cannot banish an orca to the Plateau for such offenses. This makes the Lagoon the hub of the black market on Mycorzha, rich with strange mushrooms, spices, and other trades from all around the Isles.

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Regional Differences

Each region of Mycorzha has many shared beliefs and values, but all the same each have aspects that make them unique.

To learn more about shared beliefs, holidays, and cultural aspects on the Isles go to the Mycorzha Wiki ↦

A mix of trader slang, seafarer jargon, and stolen phrases from various regions of the Isles and Beyond, conversations is would be quick, persuasive, and full of double meanings. Defensive against outsiders coded phrases are a common part of speech forming strong in-groups to facilitate trust however tenuous.
Their beliefs center on the Mysts and Isles as a living force—both merciless and generous. Rituals before voyages, charms for safe passage, and whispered deals with the Isles and Mysts are common. Lacking in structure this is often superstitious in it's nature, the most prolific being the "white spot", when the maroon algae along the cliff sides of the Lagoon dries out and exposes the Plateau rock beneath it. This is a mark which immediately results in you being removed from the Lagoon, often quite violently, as it is believed to be a curse from the Isles itself and sure to bring doom upon all who are near it.
Scratched depictions of voyages tend to find their way onto most of the wood surfaces, some becoming more intricate than others. A big fan of shiny and glowing objects much of the Lagoon is decorated with gilded or strange objects from various travels.
The 4 seasonal Holidays take a slightly different shape here, focusing instead on the ease of seafaring at that time of year.
Often a busy bunch much of their time is focused on their next big adventure into the wild world outside the safety of the Lagoon.

Flora and Fauna

The Isles of Mycorzha share the climate of the Northern Americas. While they have some unique plants or mushrooms that only grow on the Isles you might know a few of these plants. Maybe you can find them where you live?

If you find some share your photots with us on Instagram by tagging us @morelitea! Remember to take nothing but photos and leave nothing but footprints.

Growing on the eastern slopes only: ✦ Devil’s Matchstick (Pilophorus acicularis) ✦ Freckle Pelt Lichen (Peltigera britannica) ✦ Coastal Mushroom (Agaricus litoralis) ✦ Dune Brittlestems (Psathyrella ammophila) ✦ Sea Lettuce Mushroom (Lactarius deliciosus) ✦ Various forms of marine fungi
✦ Douglas Aster (Symphyotrichum subspicatum) ✦ Gumweed (Grindelia integrifolia)
✦ Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) ✦ Eelgrass (Zostera marina) ✦ Rockweed (Fucus distichus) ✦ Turkish Washcloth (Mastocarpus papillatus) ✦ Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca) ✦ Sugar Kelp (Saccharina latissima)
✦ Sea Arrowgrass (Triglochin maritima) ✦ Salal (Gaultheria shallon) ✦ Seaside Plantain (Plantago maritima) ✦ Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)
✦ Glasswort (Salicornia depressa) ✦ Coastal Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis)