Recopilación: Jacobo

4 productos

Jack es un cascarrabias de espíritu felino, viejo y duradero como las colinas, con una experiencia tan amplia como el bosque y más historias que las montañas.

Pronouns: Size: Comfort Snack:
he/him Small Cheese crackers & lox
Biggest Fear: Favorite Story: Spotify Playlist:
Losing his mind The Hungering Shadows No playlist uploaded

Emotional Ties

Creatures & places of the Isles which hold personal meaning for this character.


Aaaagh, the old woman is still the only one who can keep up with me, and doesn't that just curl my whiskers. She could be one of the foremost voices at the Academy, but she's busy with them kids. Pah!

Meet Glinda

Soot & Cinder

Them kids, as I did say. All energy and games and enthusiasm. Pah! If I'm not careful, they could wind up warming this old heart of mine. It is fun to scare 'em with a spook story or two, bwahaha!

Frostfire Forest

Lookee here, you. I'm gonna tell you this once, and only once. Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies, and it's best you don't ask.


The Isles are full of wonderful and terrible things, and most aren't ready to even dip their paw into the thick of it. Better to stay huddled around their lanterns and fires, then to find out what lies below.

Learn about Mycorzha


The public forums of Cove City are reknown Isles over for their spirited discourse, open debates, and their rapid-fire exchange of ideas and commentary on any and all topics. And to this day, academic scuttle-butt tells stories of the black cat who exploded suddenly onto the scene but a generation ago.

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