Growing up in Hazelmoss Woods, Talia well understood the meaning of family in her life, and it's something she cherished even from a young age. She was always at the heart of social gatherings, taking charge with the other children, and generally assuming a matronly role. She met Glinda when they were both young, and Talia immediately took the (slightly, though she never lets Glinda forget it) younger girl under her wing. The two became inseparable, always tromping through the woods, and when Glinda went off to Cove City to study, Talia was always the one sending care packages and popping in to visit. It was during one of these trips when Talia, out running errands for a Glinda lost deep in her studies, bumped into Anice. Talia was immediately smitten, and a slow, smoldering romance sparked between the two. Over several years (and many, many letters to the far-flung trades-leshy), their romance blossomed into something more, and eventually Talia left the Isles behind to sail beyond the Mysts, joining Anice on her trade routes abroad.
Which is why Glinda was shocked (although not incredibly surprised) to find Talia knocking on her door not two years later, new child in tow, and eager to share every detail and gossip about her travels. Talia clucked her tongue at Jack's antics (then not a year past), gave Glinda a much-needed shoulder, and immediately pitched in turning the tortoise's new house into a home.
Years on now, Talia and her child Persephone always blow into town in the fall, Talia eager to catch up with her best friend and shake her cane (figuratively) at the rest of the Luna Valley community. She is greatly adored in the neighborhood around Glinda's home, and is well known to host dinners and get-togethers throughout the fall to catch up with everyone, learn the local gossip, and pitch in where she can.