Recopilación: Talía

3 productos

Talia, oriunda de Luna Valley, terminó enamorándose y fue llevada a diferentes tierras; ¡pero siempre le encanta visitarlas! Su actitud cálida y amable está siempre presente, y está allí para ayudar sin importar la situación, apoyar a sus vecinos y cuidar (y mimar) a los niños.

Pronouns: Size: Comfort Snack:
she/her Small Butternut squash soup
Biggest Fear: Favorite Story: Spotify Playlist:
Being attacked by ghosts The First Sowing No playlist uploaded

Emotional Ties

Creatures & places of the Isles which hold personal meaning for this character.

Anice & Persephone

My wife & my darling girl! Anice is ever hard at work, spirits know; it's all I can do to make sure that she slows down for a day or two here and there. But I would follow her anywhere (and did!) And I worry over Persephone; all mothers do, after all! But she's always alone with her thoughts, and I just can't help but notice. I'm so glad when she goes off to play with her other friends.

Meet Persephone

Glinda, Soot, & Cinder

Oooooh, the trouble Glin' and I got into when we were kids! It's always a laugh to reminisce with her, just us two old birds while the children are off playing. And her kids are just the most precious little bundles ever! I always make sure to pack them a little something extra when we come to visit. I know, I know, Glinda always makes a mountain of it, but I think she loves it nearly as much as her kids. And their smiles make it worth it!

Meet Glinda, Soot, & Cinder


Ech, that cat. I always knew he was trouble, and I told Glinda, but Mysts know she never listened! Not about that or anything else! I mean, to just leave her like that! Glin's got a soft spot for him, Mysts preserve, but I'm just glad he mostly keeps to himself!

Meet Jack


The Isles! Such a wonderful, cozy place; especially Hazelmoss! I miss it, I can't stand not to visit at least once a year, although Mysts know that Anice can't spare the time to always come along. But old Talia still knows every bush and sapling. Spirits, I don't know what they'd do if I wasn't there for the fall forage!

Learn about Mycorzha


Growing up in Hazelmoss Woods, Talia well understood the meaning of family in her life, and it's something she cherished even from a young age. She was always at the heart of social gatherings, taking charge with the other children, and generally assuming a matronly role.

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